Member Stories

How CGM helped Chris Wise find the food holding him back from his goals
How wearing a CGM helped Halle Organ increase her energy levels
Even after 35 years in practice, wearing a CGM taught Dr. Kayt Havens new lessons
Pro trainer Brandon McDaniel used CGM for accountability and lost 20 pounds
Why Natalie Vanderpump committed to using CGM for one year
What Glenn Murphy learned when he gave up diets and put on a CGM instead
CGM helped Sara Salter Beemer stop carb-loading and enjoy fat again
How Sarah Tickell improved her diet and reversed her prediabetes
Natalie Lumpkin’s CGM experiment inspired her diabetic dad to watch his glucose, too
How CGM helped chef Paul Canales change the way he thinks about food
Why Rachel Soper Sanders believes in personalized data
Lee Patrick finds unexpected weight loss with CGM
Martin Tobias on how he believes biohacking prepared him for COVID