March 4, 2022

Friday Forum is an All Hands meeting for the Levels team, where they discuss their progress and traction each week.

Josh: All right, we can jump right into it. Everybody sees my slides, I assume? Sweet. All right, welcome to the first forum of the last month of the first quarter, 2022. Recent achievements, some exciting stuff on the expansion front. So Levels, I think as of this morning, was officially granted a registered trademark in the UK. And on that note, you can see here Karen visiting the Truepill UK site, which as of right now, is kind of like an empty warehouse. But in the future, you can imagine stacks and stacks of Levels, boxes, containing exciting programs heading out to you international members. Which is really exciting. So we’re moving ahead, dates and deadlines and such are still in development. This week was kind of a deep dive into food logging, Chris is going to give us some more details here, but just trying to figure out more closely the relationship between logging and member value. Ben hosted a nice community call with members who don’t log. This was not a shaming session, this was to try to figure out why and how can we improve this, and where is the value gap right now. And then coupled with that, we had an email campaign to raise logging awareness, which you can see over here. But just trying to help reinforce for people that much of the value, if not most of the value, is in those closed feedback loops around the nutrition events. Again, levels helps you understand how food affects your health. And so if you aren’t logging your meals, it’s going to be hard to learn those lessons. Another big announcement, we had our second large scale study IRB approved this past week. We expect to make some modifications to it. It also has some delta to the first one, which we’ll talk about in a later update, but this is quite exciting. We now have successfully migrated two large studies, first of their kind, through the IRB approval process, which is … we’re getting reps in. The Now Page MVP should be released next week, a lot of really exciting developments here, and we’re going to roll this out, I think, in a different fashion than we have most of our features previously, which will be semi controlled. We’ll pick cohorts. We’re going to really focus on user research to capture learning. So this is going to be stacked learnings where we’re learning about the feature, but we’re also learning about how to build better user research into our product rollouts. Food logs and active users are both up, Chris is going to cover all this stuff. I wanted to highlight a couple big numbers, our wait list moved up 33,000 emails in the last two months, and our conversion rate has been at the highest in seven weeks with subscriptions up 18% from last month. So some exciting stuff within Chris’s always fascinating weekly big business visibility dives. We did some explorations this week into research pricing, which is to go hand in hand with those IRB approvals, reinforcement design. So some really nice exploration and concept development for how we build reinforcement into the product besides just scores. And then regulatory strategy, Lauren wrote a really excellent document exploring some of the opportunities which we may have ahead for our products. And then Deconvolution Project, Taylor will have more updates on this I think in the future, but right now we are doing a deep dive into the literature on the mechanisms of action, the concentrations, the presence of the molecules that we care a lot about. And this is coming from research from our advisors, existing research, just a general awareness of how the human body works. So lots more to come here, but it is exciting. We’re digging into that, in the background. And then John released and re-released the custom tags and food recognition features. This is for internal use, so please test and provide feedback on this. Really important that we all go through this experience as though we are members and provide feedback. A couple other things here, recorded a bunch of whole New Level episodes as usual, released a bunch. Laurie has transformed her home into the equivalent of an Amazon distribution warehouse for the Series A patches. Just ceiling height packages. Laurie is amazingly fastidious in her work and it’s just amazing work that she’s doing to get these out to our supporters from Series A. Oops, jumped ahead there, my mistake. You can see here, we are growing in popularity on LinkedIn. We also have differing, the same episode is seeing different uptake on different platforms. So we’re learning a bit about the delta between Spotify versus YouTube for certain podcast episodes, which I think speaks to the algorithms, is my understanding, but I’ll let Ben speak to that in more detail. We had a really awesome UGC moment this week where this member, I assume on Twitter, made a full-blown commercial with music about Levels. Which, I remember early on, Tesla wouldn’t make commercials and so their customers started doing it and it was kind of a big moment. Tesla started amplifying that. I hope this is a movement that we’re going to see. We got a lot of excitement about Miz’s communications medium post last week. I received just a ton of outreach about this article, which I repost on Twitter, which was exciting. And then a couple great videos on productivity, what makes for good documentation. And then Austin McGuffy, his wife, produced a ton of amazing videos this week, which we boosted on Instagram, including, Does Coffee Raise Your Blood Sugar? For me, yes. Podcasts with Taylor on Inspired Evolution and Lauren on the Blueprint, all released this week. And then on top of that, top line revenue hit 11.25 all time. Jumping ahead, I want to welcome Diana Rodgers. Diana is an author, registered dietician, she’s the host of The Sustainable Dish podcast. I had the pleasure of being able to join Diana a few weeks ago, I’m losing track of time here, so I can’t exactly remember when that was, but a few weeks ago. And I really, really enjoyed the conversation. Really appreciate Diana joining us today. Diana, would love to hear some thoughts about your journey into metabolic health and your experience with Levels thus far. Diana Rodgers: Yeah, thank you so much for having me. I’m a super fan of you guys. I had undiagnosed Celiac disease and so, as a kid, everything just went straight through me. And really struggled with my metabolic health at the same time and just kept going to doctors assuming that I had diabetes, and they kept telling me I didn’t, and I knew something was wrong. Once I was diagnosed at age 26 with Celiac, that fixed a lot of my gut problems, but I was still on this blood sugar rollercoaster and it really led me to diving into becoming a dietician later in my career. I was in marketing for a long time first. And so it wasn’t until I read the Paleo Solution and went keto that I couldn’t believe I wasn’t obsessing about food all day long. And so I think the ability to be able to track your own blood sugars is just amazing. And I use it in my nutrition practice. I’m currently not taking clients right now just because I’ve been doing so much public speaking. So I talk a lot about the intersection between optimal human health and sustainability and made a film and wrote a book with Rob Wolf called Sacred Cow, where we look at the role of meat and livestock to our food system and talk about the health importance of meat. And then, how it can be raised in a way that’s actually good for the environment and can help mitigate climate change. And then we dive into that ethical dilemma and just point out that food systems, which don’t include livestock, are actually maybe causing more harm than good. And so we were able to get on the Joe Rogan podcast last week, which was incredible. It went really well. I was able to tick off all the things that I wanted to talk about, but I did get some negative feedback on my weight. And so I recently went through not only divorce but a couple of family deaths and I am particularly interested in how stress impacts your glucose. And so I will notice my glucose just randomly spike throughout the day. And so I’ve been looking at that and I actually think this might the topic of my next book, is recovering from either divorce or trauma or something like that and regaining your health. And all the tips and tricks that I am using currently to come back from all of that, because I eat perfectly, I am on point with my sleep, and sometimes that’s not enough. And so anyway, so couple things. I did go through the metabolic blood work and my CRP is really high, it’s 10, which was kind of a shocker to me. And so I think that’s just, again, just showing that I’ve got inflammation and … Anyway, so it was interesting for me to go through that. I did give the Levels team some feedback on scheduling, where they didn’t kind of remind me that it was fasting and I was like, oh, there’s cholesterol involved. This is probably a fasting thing. So that, plus a few other pieces of feedback on that. Let’s see, I wrote a couple other things. I’m going to have Glucose Goddess on my podcast and I’m sure it’s going to be just a big Levels add. I do think I am always going to be available for feedback and brainstorming if you ever need an opinion on that. I do have this background in marketing and I’m hyper creative. I think that, definitely the food logging could be better. Especially for me as a practitioner, if I’m going to be using this with my clients. Because right now I’ll just write eggs, coffee, broccoli or something like that. But if it was somehow a little bit more detailed, like in a Chronometer type of emerge, I think that would be a lot better. Because right now I’m logging in Chronometer and in Levels, so it’d be nice to have a Chronometer log to go along with my Levels swings. I think that that would be really cool. Lumen just reached out to me, so I told them I’d be happy to take a look at what they are providing and I’m happy to give you guys feedback. I’m not going to partner with them because you guys have been so great. And actually, I became a mini investor in you guys so I will give you any feedback that I have from the Lumen experience. I’ve been definitely noticing I’m getting fed ads from them in my Instagram feed. Yeah, so I’m just really psyched, huge fan, and I’m also just available as a practitioner or as an idea person if you need that. Josh: Amazing. There’s a lot of good stuff in there, Diana, thank you for all that. Especially I think the realities around confounding factors with glucose control, which don’t necessarily just show up in food. And right now we’re laser focused, that’s the prayer that we repeat, Levels helps you understand how food affects your health. But the reality is there’s a lot of other things that are in the mix, and so that’s kind of part of the Deconvolution Project, which Azure and others on the call are thinking a lot about. Which is, someday we need to be able to give you that information about how these events, these stress factors, are affecting your response to the foods that you trust. They may be interfering. So pretty optimistic about that. On the logging front, we hear you, it sounds like there’s definitely the power user group, which is, they want even more complex and advanced logging. And then there’s the group that, the existing logs, where you just tap out a few words or you can take a picture, it’s too much. So we need to figure out how to meet our members where they are, provide the right degree of complexity that captures the information they’re interested in. So anyway, Diana, thank you so much for joining us. I know you’re super busy, if you can stick around for the rest of the meeting, please do. We’ve got a little share at the end, a little personal share, another few seconds just to share with each other. But if not, thank you for joining. I know the team really enjoys this and loves to hear directly from people like yourself who are professionals working with other people who are trying to solve these same problems. Diana Rodgers: Thank you. Josh: And congrats on Joe Rogan. I haven’t listened to the episode yet, but you know it’s in my queue. Diana Rodgers: Awesome, thanks. Josh: All right. I want to welcome Ryley. Ryley is going to lead our finance organization, which has yet to exist, and he will bring that into being. Very excited about this. Ryley, I’m not going to read your slide, I’m just going to let you step in and share a few thoughts. Ryley Walker: Hey Josh, thanks. Really excited to join the team here and my background, I guess, is a broad range of financial functions; from financial operations to planning and strategy as well. So my past life was, or past job, was a rapidly scaling startup in the food delivery space in Canada. Which, I worked with some of our team there as well. And I joined early, early stage, after about a 2 million dollar seed raise. And we had a couple million dollars of revenue and we scaled the company to a couple billion in transactions and a few thousand employees. So I was doing a few things there from the financial operations side, a little bit of what Miz is doing now, here at Levels, and then a little bit more focused on the finance side. So I’m really excited about that background and I think it’ll help me take a little bit of work off of some of our key people’s plates. Miz, Zack, and Ben have been doing a great job pinch hitting on some of the finance stuff, so excited to unlock some of their time. And then use our great culture of transparency, or leverage that, to build in some financial communication tools to help us make good decisions. And really, really excited about that. Really excited about working with a great team here. Josh: Well, Ryley, super excited for you to tackle these things. I know Miz has to be over the moon about being able to hand off some of these responsibilities that he’s been carrying among many others. We’re all stoked to have you on the team. Anyone who hasn’t a chance to connect with Ryley, please reach out, make yourselves available, help him through the onboarding process and join some of these cafes that we’ve got with Ryley and our other new team members. Ryley, looking forward to lots of challenges ahead. Lots of work together. Ryley Walker: Thanks, Josh. Josh: All right. Yeah. Quick culture aside, want to highlight two of our team members here. Braden, this was shared by one of the other team, but he just continues to set a really high bar for the small things that really really matter. One of these examples is just being able to provide a little bit more detail on the calendar invites for the week with a topic. Basically there’s two calls happening, two community calls, and there’s different subject matter. One is with food loggers and one is with non-food loggers. And for the person entering this invitation, it can be kind of challenging to tell the difference between that, because we didn’t really create that separation on the public event. And so Braden just takes that little extra step to help people stay organized and reduce the need for additional prep. Keeping synchronous awareness with asynchronous communication. So these are the small things. It’s always great to highlight these. Braden, thanks for all the work you do to keep things moving along and keep the overhead minimal. And then Michelle, who’s been a community member with us for well over a year, and has also been behind the scenes really helping out with our recruiting efforts. And anyone who’s been on the hiring side so far has been interfacing with Michelle directly and benefiting from all of her hard work keeping us on track, essentially, with communications and updates and such. So she officially became functional medicine certified health coach, want to congratulate her. Big kudos and thank you for all of your help with our hiring mechanisms that are certainly not fully refined. All right, jumping ahead to the main thing. So Levels shows you how food affects your health. Got to repeat that. Everyone should be working towards this. If you feel you’re not working on this project in some capacity, it’s worth raising the question and just asking, how can we better focus my time and attention? Or better understand how these dots are connected. With that- JM: Food logging. Josh: JM. JM: Sorry, you want to jump on this one? Josh: No, no. JM: We’re at 1700 on the rolling seven-day average, that’s up a bit from last week, about 3%. As we see a rebound from that dip in February, thanks. Josh: Thank you. I need to do a quick refresh here. [inaudible 00:18:00]. Scott: All right, all right, not much from me today. Allocation remains fixed. We’re doing good here. Next slide. We are, again, on a six-day cadence for our release, which means we are hitting it. I think we’ve hit it every week since Christmas time, so really big props to David for getting this prioritized. And also I think, especially to the mobile developers, I know we’re doing a lot of transition into writing features substantially around feature flagging, so that we can have our build process and release process disconnected from the way that customers actually see the software that we build. So I know we’re asking you to go out of your way a bit to get this done, so really appreciate the effort here. Gives us a good repeatable cadence, which is what we want to have. So I think that’s it for me. Josh: Thanks, Scott. Thanks, David. Into the project updates, we’ve got Maz. Maz: Hi everyone, quick update on membership for you. Four things, quick update on the elasticity experiments, talk about other experiments that we’re scoping, discussion of monthly membership that we have last week, and then an exploration of bundling labs with CT. On the elasticity, as we’re continuing to get more data, it is looking like that elasticity for the different price decreases around one, which means the increase in volume is almost equal to the decrease in price. So here for the hundred, it’s a 55% increase in volume for a 50% decrease in price. And similarly for the 75. It’s interesting that the 99 is still continuing to underperform and that could be because of noise or it could be because the behavioral economics concept of the nine at the end is becoming overused and therefore people are reacting better to the hundred. But this experiment supports that a round number is working better. It’s also interesting that, compared to the previous weeks where the most elastic was the 75, it’s continuing that hundred is looking to be the more elastic price. So seems like that hundred is somehow a magical number for people. With the Sinclair, it’s interesting enough that, for the 199 to 99, it’s almost exactly the same elasticity as the double opt, which is 0.85 versus 0.86. Our thesis originally was that the Sinclair crowd may be closer to the general public and therefore more elastic. But it looks like that they’re coming about exactly the same. Either the general public elasticity is about the same or that the Sinclair crowd is more close to the opt out crowd versus the general public crowd. But interestingly enough, it seems like elasticity is about one for our prices under $100. The other experiments that we’re working on with David to implement, but requires some engineering work, is allowing our existing members to buy two CGMs for lower prices and see really what elasticity looks like. We know a lot of people are saying that CGMs are expensive, which is preventing them from buying more kits past the initial one. So we want to see what that looks like if we reduce the price of the CGMs. We also want to see what happens if you offer one CGM. Does that change for people? Obviously it’s going to be a lot cheaper. We’re also thinking through the Try-It, this was where you don’t pay a annual membership and you just get one CGM to feel the magic and see if you convert. We’re still scoping that. And then finally is Monthly, this idea of, can I actually just buy per month and not sign up for an annual membership? We had a lot of discussion about this last week, and obviously there’s a lot of benefits in offering a monthly membership. It will make it more accessible to a lot of people, which will increase conversion. It will allow us to understand our churn better because you’ll have data. But on the others, on the flip side, if we’re not ready for it operationally, to handle the higher volume and higher growth, and we’re also don’t understand retention well enough or haven’t addressed that sufficiently, it will just lead to higher growth but also higher churn. So what we decided is to lift off with an annual membership but monitor it closely to see when we should offer monthly. So I think everybody’s on board with monthly, it’s just the timing of it that needs to be decided once we start getting data post lift-off. We also explored the idea of combining labs with CGMs from the get-go for a portion of our users. And the logic there is labs provide both information in an angle that CGMs cannot measure. For example, inflammation or lipids. But also it could provide a context for more effectively using CGMs. For example, you don’t want to go on a diet that’s spiking your triglycerides and lipids. And so it not only gives context to better using CGMs, but also could be helpful in its own right. So we’re thinking about, can we actually include that where if you are, for example a subscriber, you would get a lab included when you join to see where your baseline of your health is. And get another one towards the end of the program, to see how the program affected your health. So really showing efficacy of our program within the program. So there’s some thoughts around there. Obviously the downside is add cost, but we’re thinking through ways where we can offset a lot of that cost. And obviously some people may not want it, or have it already, so we have to think through that and how do we enable that. Anyways, that was it. Thanks very much. Josh: Thank you, Maz. Obviously some big interesting problems to solve there with our membership, but I think the most interesting thing is the pricing elasticity. Those experiments are awesome. [inaudible 00:24:14] tagging for John. John: Yes, thank you for tagging. The last features needed to complete this project have been shift internally. The first one is custom tags or user generated tags. If there are special ingredients or comments to add in a log, or if the global suggestions are not enough, there is the possibility to add custom tags by tapping on the plus button next to the input tags field. Custom tags will show up later as suggestions and insights will be available for them as well. On the other side, food recognition has been enabled, again with some improvements in the way we order the suggestions. This is all available for internal testing. We are still blocked by a backend task, which is the only thing preventing us from launching these to all members, but Hao is working hard on it and hopefully it will be resolved in the next few days. That’s it. Thank you. Josh: Fantastic and exciting. Thank you, John. Now Paige. David. David: All right. We got really close to our goal of a limited member testing release this week. And the team worked really hard and we made a lot of progress. There’s a couple bugs that we want to iron out before we open this up to a handful of members, to make sure that they get the appropriate experience that we can actually learn from. So this is optimistic for next week. Besides that, the launch status this week, we did onboarding flows. Marillo worked on the experimental controls so that we can enable it or not enable it for certain members. And then Helena dropped some really cool research that she’s been doing with members on how they’re actually experiencing the Levels product and where we can use data to drive personalized Now Card insights in the future. So if you haven’t seen that yet, I would recommend taking a look. And then Mike and Chris were helping me set up the approach for how we’re actually going to start engaging with more user testing. As Josh alluded to earlier on, this is the pilot of branching out into much more engaging user testing that we’ll be doing with our members going forward. And we have some cool ideas on how we can incorporate in screen sharing, screen recording, surveys, all sorts of different levels for that. So I’m very much excited for that. So this is what what’s happening now. If you go to the next slide, I wanted to show you what’s next for now. Beyond just the core card paradigm, a lot of the questions we’re answering for our members are … There’s different context, so some of them are appropriate for those cards, some of them are during the onboarding experience or first time experience. So we’ve queued up a bunch of Alan’s designs for work, hopefully starting next week. We have the new onboarding flow. Next slide. First time experiences that happen during key parts of the user journey. So, when you tap log in for the first time you’ll see an explainer of sorts, and we’ll be weaving that throughout other parts of the app as well. Next slide. And then, once we have that Now scaffolding launch with the interaction paradigms, we’ll have a new zone show that helps you understand why certain things happen with your food response and what to do instead. And that’s really going to be leveraging what John just talked about with the tags. So you can see here, the logging with orange juice and the community response, as well as swaps to orange juice. And finally, if you go to the next slide, what I’m really excited to get to is that Now is laying the foundation for basically pivoting all of our insights from calendar based to event-based. So every time you do something as a member, how can we reflect back what Levels knows, in the context that it matters to you? So you see here on the left just a prototype that I’m playing around with, where we have a collection of fruit tags. And can we map those fruit tags whenever we detect them in your log to this new immersive story-style explainer on what is fruit and how to think about eating fruit. So this is really the culmination of the whole team effort here with Haney preparing awesome drafts of how to think about eating fruit, working with our UX design contractor, Jen, to bring it to life in this simple format. And Mike’s been managing the pipeline for that and really going between Jen and Casey for medical review, and Alan for the designs. And then we’re going to have to rely on engineering here pretty soon to start wiring up these really simple stream-based or tag-based approaches so that every time someone logs, they’re going to get that paired with these exceptional content. What what’s launching next week is the calendar, in that very limited release for our initial user testing, is the calendar-based user feed, which is the original 28-day program. We’ll be swapping that out over time with all event-based things like this. So exciting things to come and please keep sending your feedback. Josh: Super cool. I love the simple but rapid concept here for triggering those cards. Excited for that. All right, over to Andrew. Andrew: Good morning or afternoon everyone. Here’s a quick Eng SLA and KPI update. And so I wanted to actually show a bit about what this means, because a couple people reached out and they wanted to learn more about what we’re tracking here with pull request and things like that. So I’m going to give a really quick intro to what’s happening. In general, engineers write pull requests. And so pull requests look kind of like these, these are closed ones all in the last week, and this is basically a package of changes. And then inside of these, basically the engineers are providing context. And so this is, Marillo has 363 new lines of code, removed a bunch of lines of code, provided a loom and linked to a bunch of tickets. And then someone needs to review this, because there’s often a lot of ways to solve engineering problems and it’s good to get someone else to think holistically, like, are we approaching it the right way? Is this maintainable? Will this work well? These kind of things. And Jeremy hops in. And so, one of the things that we want to make sure is that, in general, the time from when something’s ready for feedback, to when feedback is received, is pretty quick. It’s really hard just to wait around to get feedback and this is something we want to minimize over time. Obviously there’s an obligation on the other side of this, of interruptions and these kinds of things. And so Justin hops in, provides a review same day, and provides some feedback. And so this is fairly common. And simple requests have a ton of feedback inside of them so it’s a lot of back and forth between engineers. After the feedback, Marillo made some changes and then merged it. And so, this is the life cycle of a pull request. This merging, we also want to be decently fast. This is hard to do on harder things. You could imagine, to fully wrap up a feature, sometimes might take longer than several days. One of the reasons we want to track this is, this helps us try to keep the beginning to end of a pull request as fast as possible. Which is a rough proxy for the size of the pull request. And so, if this was 10 times the size, you could imagine this might have taken longer to start to get it in. And so this is just another thing we want to be tracking over time. And so, high level, this is what we’re doing. Another thing we’re going to do starting now is, Sam suggested … To take this a bit more celebratory, highlight some of the interesting stuff that happened over the last week in pull request world and in some of the work engineering is doing. And so I want to highlight something that Ian did, actually before this past week, but people moved onto it, is actually create a new template for the first pull request post. And this template makes it really easy for other people to hop in and understand what’s being changed, why are we approaching it this way, and these kinds of things. Before, it was a lot more freeform and Ian really pushed the ball forward in coming up with a template that’s really good. Including to-dos and things like that so we don’t forget things afterwards. And so this is fantastic. Everyone’s moved over to use it. It’s really helped our velocity. And so that’s it. If anyone has any questions, feel free to reach out directly. Josh: Awesome. I think that is a super helpful insight for everyone outside the end structure. So thank you, Andrew. This is going to replay of course. And there we go. Hiring updates. Okay, new team members. No changes from last week on new team. We’ve got folks in engineering starting at the end of March and we’ve got Dan starting imminently. And open roles, also no major changes as of this past week, but for those watching, please share with your network, refer folks who may be a fit. And, oh, we have extended the offer to the associate editor. I’m learning about this in real time, but exciting. I know we had two awesome candidates, so that is an awesome update. I’ll let Haney update us on that. Over to Alan. Alan: Awesome, thanks Josh. So three themes for design this week; personalization, comprehension, and lightening up the experience a little bit. So I’m going to walk through those three. Next slide please. So one of the key problems that we have to solve in the experience is what to do next. This comes up a lot and there’s these fundamental problems of telling people what to do. Are they capable of doing it? Are they invested? Are they interested? Are you even right about what you’re telling them to do? Is it worth doing? Is it going to be rewarding? And then, ultimately, a lot of these things are work. And so if we get enough of those questions on the left wrong, it’s going to feel like the lower half of that graphic. The truth is, some things are going to feel like the bottom there no matter what it is. But we want to make sure that we don’t do that too often or otherwise people are just not going to do what we suggest them to do and they’re going to get less value out of the project experience. Next slide, please. So, I mean to start, it’s hard to get invested in something where people are not listening. So we’re going to start asking more questions, I’ve mentioned this a couple times. You can imagine that, here, say in the day review, you’ve got an opportunity to show you how you did but also acknowledge that you’ve got an option here. You can potentially change your range. Maybe your max is 110. Maybe you’re more of a health seeker, so 140. Or maybe you’re someone like me and you’re a Type I diabetic, 180. I mean we’ve got to be able to provide these options to people so they get a little bit more invested in what we’re offering them. Next slide. And so coming down to this what to do next problem, we want to be able to give people essentially a focus area. We started to work on a framework to do this so that we can start scaling out this what to do next problem for people. And so, giving an opportunity for a user to actually select what they want to focus on in a given day is going to be really important. We don’t want to just come off and feel like we’re saying, “Hey, go for a walk,” and they can’t go for a walk in the middle of the day. Or food choices or whatever it may be at any given time. Next slide. So I’m so cold in this room, that’s why I’m shivering, sorry. And then finally, an objective and some guidance on how to get there. So perhaps we break these goals down into smaller targets in the day so that they’re more achievable and we allow users to customize them to what suits them. So some examples here on the right, focusing on midday stability or essentially stopping snacking. Improving your breakfasts. How long can you go without a spike? On the right there, we’ve got an example. So you’ve set the target of four hours, your best is maybe three and three quarters, how long until you get there? Allows you to also customize that and essentially breaking some of these objectives into little chunks. Next slide. A lot of time spent this week on looking at triggering content based on your data. So, as David mentioned, we’ve got all this great stuff for the Now page, Now project. And so we’re reframing it to be very event driven and so that means things like this on the right, so if you scored lower than last time, rather than having just an educational card that goes, sometimes scores are going to be different, we want to identify that exact zone and connect the educational material into it. Same with the start of the program when the calibration might potentially be off. Next slide. A lot of time this week has been spent on working on end-to-end prototypes. So we’ve got a handful of prototypes that look at what’s the ideal day? Maybe it’s a happy path for day one or a less happy path for day three. And then breaking these into little chunks for the team so that you’re going to have clickable, swipable prototypes that you can go to and you can see essentially what we’re working towards. So the left example, that’s present day, and then some more maybe future state examples on the right. We’re going to continue to work on those so that we can test it without necessarily having to build it. And you have a reference point that you can go to. I know sometimes when we’re working on … We have the internal build, it can sometimes feel a little bit crazy, there’s things in progress, and so we want to make sure that people can check it out and see where we’re going towards. Next slide. And then finally, lightening up the product experience a little bit. This has actually been prompted by Brett, so grateful for him for bringing it up. The app takes itself pretty seriously right now. We’ve got these [inaudible 00:37:09] ROMs, big heavy fonts, and sort of dark. I think the example on the right, that’s about as light as it gets in the Levels app experience. And that’s going to be a little demotivating and not particularly fresh. Now this aesthetic probably makes sense for where our users are now; relatively affluent, early adopters, polish is super important in the wellness category. Next slide. I’m not necessarily suggesting this, but we probably do need to brighten it up a little bit, be a little bit more fun. We’re going to start exploring some of this, looking at illustration aesthetics, looking at the use of color. There’s some really easy ones here, just brightening it up, making it a little bit more fun. So we’re going to experiment with some copy style, we’re going to build out a library of imagery, and we’re going to start getting some reactions from users to make sure that we don’t get too off base here. I think we could over-correct, there’s probably some middle ground that’s just a little bit lighter and a little bit more fun. And yeah, excited to play with that. I think that’s it. Yep, that’s it. Josh: Awesome. Thank you, Alan. Very excited for a lot of this stuff. All right, we’ve got LJ with the team update. LJ: Hey team, updating everyone right here of the recent progress report of all EAs. So we have eight active EAs from the past week, 17 Levels team members who delegated tasks, and 152 tasks we were able to accomplish. So as you can see, we have a slight movement from the graph that we have seen. Moving forward, a new delegation for this week came from Mike D. So Mike sent a time sensitive request to Bea for a quick update on the form slides before meeting. So this is a really good example, because as you can see from the subject of the email, he actually included that it is a time sensitive request. Which actually helps a lot for all EAs once we see it in our inbox so immediate action can be given. So this is just an example, if you will be giving any time sensitive requests to us, maybe this is something that you can also include in the subject line of your email. Just so it will actually catch the attention of most EAs and we can just discuss among the team who will take on this task. So yeah, if you want to delegate more tasks, please just reach out to us through [email protected] or simply send an Athena voice memo. So that’s it. Thank you. Josh: Thank you, LJ. Thank you, the entire Athena team for all the awesome behind the scenes work that you all crank out for us. It cannot be overstated how helpful it is. All right, Chris. Chris: All right, so I originally had planned for a shorter update until Josh put me on the spot when his update. So I was quickly throwing in additional slides to make sure I could deliver on what he said I would cover. So first, the SLA dashboard, quick update from last week. There’s definitely a lot more green. The key things are, our order processing is back on track. We were slowing down because we had so many orders coming in and pushing people out. So more of a hard limit on our side. Next slide please. Food logging. Yeah, thanks, so the next two slides both came up from team members of saying, “Hey, I’ve got this hypothesis, I’ve got this question, do we have data to support X, Y, and Z?” I live for these questions, so one, I just want to encourage the team, when you have a, I wonder if, throw those over. This is where I have the most fun. So this first one, the question was, does a higher average day score lead to more logging? And I think it came from Alan. So what I’m looking at, at the bottom, is the X-axis is your average day score from 55 to 99. And then, looking on the left, is how many food logs do you do in a single day? So if you’ve logged breakfast, lunch and dinner, that would be three. If you just log dinner because you only eat one meal a day, that would be one. So as you look at the distribution as the day score goes up, that sweet spot is from 62 to 91 with the tails falling off. So our belief or hypothesis as we look at this is, if you’re in the middle of the pack, you’re doing it a lot more. If you’re on the edges of … One of the members on the community call says, I get 55’s every day, as a reason why he didn’t log anymore. Because he’s like, I don’t see any improvement. So if you’re really getting top scores or bottom scores, you’re less likely to log as often. Now taking a similar view on the right is, now we’re looking at total number of glucose days by average day score. And you see this up and to the right as, the higher your day score, the more glucose days of data you have, until 83 and then a sharp decline. I actually don’t have a great explanation for what’s going on. I’m just more saying, “Hey, here’s what I see in the data.” So this one’s a little bit more research to be done. Next slide. The next one, and I realize there’s a lot going on here, so I’m trying to walk you through it. The next question from Ben was, does logging food increase the likelihood of people completing the program or ordering more CGMs? So is that the magic moment of, once you log food, then you’re hooked to the product? The answer is a little bit of yes and no. So the top two charts I’m looking at all members and on the X-axis I have what I call food log buckets. People who logged zero times, one, one to two, or four or five or eight, and then group them together into buckets. And then going up on the Y is program completeness. Zero sensors, one sensor, two sensors or more. So what you’re looking at is, people that don’t log at all, which is the first bar, you see this big huge blue spike. Which is, basically people aren’t getting through the program. But when I said, well wait a minute, we know that we have a lot of people that order the product and then never get up and running. So the bottom two charts is, when I restricted the same data for people that we only see glucose for, and then let me look at the same data. So now the thing I really am focusing on is the chart on the bottom right, where the first bar is people that don’t log. And then this next bar is people that do log and then log more and more and more. And what I find is, there’s really no difference in terms of their likelihood to complete the program if they log or don’t log, until you get to the place that you’re logging 30 or 40 or 50 times. Because obviously you would have to use the data for a lot. So my takeaway on this one is it’s all about getting people to get glucose data into the app. So they haven’t completed the onboarding step of linking their Libre, getting glucose. So obviously if you don’t have glucose, food logging’s not going to do you any good. So a lot of our efforts, and I know some of the work that Braden’s doing is actually targeting people to where we don’t see glucose and trying to nudge them, and then food loggings really unlock. So that’s really the takeaway on this one. All right, sorry, I know that was a lot. Next slide. We’ve covered this a little bit, this is probably the last time I’m going to report on this for a while, unless I see a big movement. And what we’re looking at is the day review of the number of people that see it and get to the first page or second page. And really, the key takeaways are on the right of 77% of people are swiping to the final community page, which is great to see that engagement, versus just exiting out. And what I was looking for was, I wanted to see this stabilize. So the 77% only went down one point from prior week, which tells me this is starting to stabilize, versus it being like, oh, it’s a new product, what’s behind door number two? And then they get value out of it. So I’ll continue to monitor and bring it back up if it moves. But this looks like where it’s going to land is more of a steady state, hopefully. Next slide. On the voice of the customer, three main themes this week. Stripe ID verification, so we actually had a couple issues with Stripe, the system going down. So people were trying to get verified and got stuck. So one customer tried for three hours and entered their data 10 times. Another one spent two hours trying to get through and the error message is the bottom image. So we had a couple windows where Stripe was down, then back up, then back down. They actually sent us a nice email about, I mean I don’t know if it’s nice, but they acknowledged the issue and that they’re putting in more reporting and logging so that they’re more proactive. But that was a couple of blips we had around verification. The next one around consult confusion. So one person said, “Why do I need this prescription for medication? I just want the arm patches.” They’re not even aware that there’s a CGM, they just see the black Levels patch and think that’s the product. The next person was actually denied their prescription and said, “What decision did this physician make to deny me? And based on what?” So there’s not a lot of transparency when someone is denied an RX of the reason behind it. So we’re trying to make that more transparent, more reasons when people are denied for whatever reason. And then the right is blood panel confusion. A number of people are thinking that the blood panel is required as part of membership. And some people are like, “Well, what if I can’t get a blood draw? Can I still be a member? Wait a minute, you didn’t talk about the member, but now I actually see a page and it’s telling me I need a lipid panel? What is this like?” And being upset by this. So some confusion around not just thinking about the health panel as a additional service, but is it a required part of being a member of Levels? Next slide. And lastly, to end … Actually, is this? Yeah, it’s my last slide. To end on a positive note, both of the monthly for February and last week we’ve seen big improvements in NPS. So a 63, which is our highest score in five months. And we’ve had four strong weeks in a row of NPS, on the right at the weekly clip. So great to see some of those numbers recovering as we’ve seen some dips over time. And that’s it for member experience. Josh: Thanks, Chris. Sorry to throw you on the spot with that food logging stuff, but yeah, I appreciate the insights. Ben. Ben: Great. Growth is focused on value through membership. Every week we say it, all the things that Maz is doing around price elasticity, the cohort analysis that JM is doing, and the voice of the customer that Chris just highlighted. So these are all important inputs as we start to unlock what ancillary revenue streams look like, what pricing looks like, what the actual value is that we are providing through product and everything we do. Next slide please. So we’re continuing to iterate on these slides, this is the monthly recap. So February, we hit just over a million dollars in recognized revenue. We now have 20.8 in the bank. We’ve seen some of the cash drip in from our Series A and there’s still more to come once the operator round closes. 10 million in debt available and we’re at 47 months of runway. Next slide please. So financials monthly, what you’re looking at on the left is recognized revenue all time, month over month. And on the right is CGM subscription revenue, month over month. So in February, we hit 11 million in total recognized revenue all time. And then as far as CGM subscription revenue, we hit 394 in February. So we’re at a 4.7 million run rate, and you can see that graph is nice and up and to the right. And this is an important graph because the product that we have is built on top of CGM, so we want to make sure that that continues to increase and we don’t see big oscillations or we don’t want to see that start to decrease in any way. Next slide, please. Revenue breakdown, so 739 and CGMs. To break this down, again, this is a combination of both CGM subscriptions and then first time CGM use, which is paired with membership. Membership was 352-K and blood work was 22 in January, as a benchmark. I think we were at 18K, so it’s still an ancillary stream that we haven’t really unlocked yet, and we haven’t put any fuel on the fire from a product marketing or awareness standpoint. But it is very important to the holistic health outlook that we have. That’s it as far as growth slides. To highlight on what Josh touched on, as far as YouTube and Spotify at the beginning in the recap slide, what that is is breakdown of discovery. So the way the algorithms work on the different platforms is around discovery. People will often go to YouTube as a search engine to learn more about things. And so that’s why we’re starting to see episodes that were uploaded a year ago through Apple or Spotify are performing, in less than a week, with more performance or higher engagement than we see through other channels. So the takeaway is not to do one or the other, it’s to do both because they’re both important. Onto Tony with a recap on the podcast and then Matt’s going to jump into engagement around some of the digital things that we’re doing. Tony: Thanks, Ben. So a recap for February for A Whole New Level. We’ve released 10 episodes last month and we have 11 episodes scheduled for March. I also want to mention that February was a record month for the amount of episodes we recorded. We recorded 18 throughout the month of February, which was pretty awesome. All time plays, actually that’s supposed to be 122,000 as of today. In February we had 26.9-K, so almost 27,000 plays over the course of February. So that is pretty much the recap for A Whole New Level. Matt: Great, awesome. So February was a huge month. We had over a million monthly impressions across these six digital platforms and grew our total audience by 30,000. Next slide, please. So 23,000 of this audience growth came in one weekend and on one platform when Dr. Mark Hyman had a Instagram gamified giveaway where he was going to give one of his followers, who also followed Levels, and commented with their favorite food emoji below, a free Levels CGM kit. I think three kits were given out. So Ben comes to me on Monday and says, “Hey Matt, there’s 20,000 new people that just showed up to the party. Let’s get some hard hitting analysis about what they care about.” I’m like, “Ben, I’m way ahead of you, man. Already scraped all the comments off the Instagram,” and it’s in animation so if you just hit next, believe it or not, avocado beat everything else by a huge margin. So the initial takeaway was, Ben, it’s going to be avocado content full stop from here on out. So Ben, you can go to the next slide now. I think I’m looking for a little more quantitative analysis specifically around engagement rate, so I don’t want to move fully into this avocado direction if we aren’t sure that the people who commented that and followed us are following us for the right reasons. Maybe they’re here just to try to get that free CGM and are going to be less engaged in the future or potentially unfollow us. So I already had the comments scraped and did a little bit of a text analysis on this, which we’re not going to be able to see, but it sounded a lot like our remember base. There’s a bunch of really heartwarming stories in the comments of people just really excited about a CGM and would love to try it. I think that was the anagram that ended up getting spelled out there. So if you hit next, so I said, “All right, Ben, I can pull into …” Oh, there we go. Let’s go. All right. So yeah, people would love to try Levels and feel like they need it. So yeah, let’s go, next slide. Awesome. So we have, all right, engagement rate is a hard thing to pull out because it’s a daily thing that fluctuates between zero and upwards of 2%, depending on the day. So depending on the way that we slice it, you can look at it a different way. If you looked at just the month of February and the month of January, you’d say, “Oh, our engagement rate went up on Instagram.” But the greater takeaway is looking at this through different slices of … February, we had a huge month of engagement. People really engaged with the stuff we were putting out there and we crept up into that 1% range. And, as Ben hypothesized, the increased audience was not necessarily as engaged and we saw a drop off off of the most recent highs. But I guess the more nuanced takeaway from what this increased audience can potentially do for us, you’ll see those two spikes after. So this is, yeah, sorry, impression. This is my best Chris Jones in impersonation. So this is impressions in the white line and then engagements in the green boxes. So two days later, or I guess four days later, when we had the Instagram takeover, we generated nearly as many impressions across our platform as Dr. Hyman’s giveaway. Dr. Hyman has over a million followers on Instagram. This really pushes the power of the Instagram algorithm of somebody posting really thoughtful and engaging content that our audience really resonated with and was engaging with. Just naturally drove people to our platform and we ended up reaching 50,000 unique accounts on that single day alone. So again, if you look at that big block outside of the initial 1.3% was when the Hyman giveaway was going on. So that engagement rate, yes, it’s moved down. But I think if we look at this over the long run, our general hypothesis of, the engagement rate is going to slowly decay over time but if we look at this on a month to month clip, it should stay relatively non-impacted by these huge jumps. So this is something pretty, I guess, encouraging to see. To see that maybe one month’s worth of engagement growth was wiped away by many more than one month’s growth of audience, if that makes any sense. Sorry, I’m rambling now, but thank you everybody. Yeah, this has been the engagement project. Josh: This is really awesome. Tons of insights to harvest here. Thank you, Matt. Matt: No problem. Josh: All right, Tom? Tom: Yes, that’s me. Okay, top 10 partner codes from February. No major surprises in here, another really strong month from Sinclair. I’m going to call out that I had mentioned somewhere on threads, I can’t remember where, that Sinclair, I think it was a week or two ago, that Sinclair was starting to slow down quite a bit. And that was actually wrong. Sinclair is not yet slowing down. The reason why I had reported that was because I overlooked the fact that JM had created some new Sinclair code, Sinclair 2, Sinclair 3 for pricing experiments, so they didn’t get baked into the analysis. So Sinclair continues to perform really strong, hasn’t slowed down yet, probably soon. Few other notes here, Hyman, second-strongest month ever from Hyman. So that’s great. This is due to Casey’s appearance on his podcast. The Verge continues to perform really well, which is pretty surprising, but very cool to see. Some newer codes, Dr. Terry Walls in the mix after posting on YouTube and her blog and joining our affiliate program. Diana, who was on the call earlier, down in the Honorable Mention section, Josh was on her podcast. And we’re also experimenting with some paid placements. And then Rich Roll is on the Board, but I would say performing below expectations, which brings us to the next slide. Okay, so the TL;DR here is that we’ve learned that we need to drive more clicks to Rich Roll’s link, put simply. So this table here is comparing performance of a Rich Roll ad versus a David Sinclair lifespan ad, one week after that first ad goes live. So you’ll see a couple of huge differences here. So a couple things to call out. Sinclair’s link got 20 times the clicks, which drove something like 15 times the conversions. And the sample is small, but bottom line is the funnel is broken at the top and we need to get more people clicking the link. Because of those who clicked the link, the conversion rate from Rich Roll is actually really, really strong. Almost double that of Sinclair. So you’ll see that down there under conversion rate from click at 5% for Rich Roll and 2.8% from Sinclair. And so one reason, it’s not the only reason, but one major reason that we’re seeing far fewer clicks to the Rich Roll link is that Rich does not include the sponsor links in his episode descriptions. So whether that’s on Apple or Spotify or also on YouTube. So you’ll see what this can look like over on the right side of the screen with David Sinclair. He’ll include them front and center if you’re on Apple or Spotify or on YouTube. And I had a call with Rich’s team this week and I sent them all of this data and I think that they’re going to start putting all their sponsors and all these episode descriptions moving forward. So that is great news and it’ll be interesting to see how that moves the numbers. I think that’s it. Next slide. Cool. And then just a few fun updates here when I was bouncing around on YouTube earlier this morning. So these are four screenshots that are, I think just indicating that Levels in metabolic health and Casey’s stock are all on the rise. So top left is Casey on Mark Hyman, so of the last 25 episodes released on YouTube, Casey’s has the second most views. Bottom left there is Lifespans, David Sinclair’s episode on nutrition. And so this hit 1 million views this week and has five times the views of an average Lifespan episode. Which is really cool. And I’m trying to pitch the umbrella company, SyCom Media, who does Huberman and Sinclair, on a podcast series devoted to nutritional science. Potentially with Casey or one of our advisors, looking at you Rob, so we’ll see what they say about that. And then top right is Drew [inaudible 01:00:21] podcast, and you’ll see there that, if you can see it, that Casey’s episode again has the most views of his last 10 episodes or so. And then lastly, on the note of YouTube being a discovery platform, if you just type in continuous glucose monitor review into YouTube, the top three results are Levels reviews. Which is really incredible. Yeah, a lot of people prior to purchase, this is something we learned through surveys at my last company, will go on YouTube for product reviews of either your brand or similar products. So this is pretty huge. I think that’s it. Josh: Strong update. And Casey Coin, to the moon. All right, Haney. Haney: All right, Less data here, but good stuff nonetheless. Two good pieces up already this week, continuing our franchise of interviewing founders and leaders at other companies that are related. So this was an interesting one that came through a connection, company is called Calibrate, they do weight loss using both lifestyle factors and GLP-1 medication, which is an interesting space I didn’t know a lot about. Isabelle was a really interesting interview there. And then another deep dive into a study, so Matt Leigh, who you’ve heard me talk about before, metabolic researcher now helping Taylor with some stuff, is doing two of these a month, most months, moving forward for us. And his great superpower is really explaining some of these wonky studies in ways that make sense. And this one was definitely wonky. We had to go a little bit back and forth to get the real takeaway from it, but I think it turned out nice and it’s got one of his good five-minute, five slide, five question videos, which are really fun. And then a couple of great Everyone on Content pieces up this week. We’ve been experimenting with more writers, more ways to execute these to scale Aaron’s time. And so we had a new writer named … Rich, did one on the DRI idea here, and we basically took Scott’s big memo, we took the podcast, we just fed him all that and then he distilled it into a more public-facing article style takeaway. And I think this is a really good model for some of these long form memos. Maybe if you don’t want to read the full memo, maybe we don’t want to release the full memo, but for not that much work and not that much money, we can distill this down. And I think that’s nice DRI piece. And then Miz put in an absolutely heroic effort into documenting how we think about onboarding, how we do it. I think we all know that it’s, I think, one of our real superpowers here. And pitched this around a little bit. First Round Review had a piece that was similar coming up so they didn’t want to take it, so we put it on Medium, but again, a great reference link to send out to folks and JTBR is going to use this to pitch out as well. So I learned stuff reading this. And yeah, then just one quick update on the position, the associate editor is actually going to be a senior editor, and I have a informal acceptance but I expect to be able to post a formal announcement on that by the end of the day today. Josh: Love it. Thank you, Haney. All right, high probability we’re not going to get through everybody today but don’t worry, if we don’t, you’ll start off next week’s shares. Dom, I don’t believe is with us, so I’m going to start off with Jackie. Oh, Jackie may have jumped as well. Shawn, you’re up first. Shawn: Yeah, very cool to see the upcoming podcast list. And I’m also excited because I will be able to get caught up on my 30-hour drive to Austin in a couple weeks, so psyched on that. And then, personally, I’m going to take the family up to Victoria BC on Sunday and spend the week working from there and hanging out at the beach. So, Hao, I got to hit you up for a coffee or beer or whatever. Josh: Definitely. Marillo. Marillo: Yeah, very excited to be back. Very excited about the progress that’s been made. It feels like I’ve been away for a couple of months, not a couple of weeks. And personally, just excited to … Yeah, been really consistent with exercise, kept really active throughout the vacation, so I’m really excited about the progress that I’ve made this moment. Josh: Awesome. Welcome back. Gabriel? Gabriel: Matt, loved your engagement update, so pretty exciting. Blown away by that. Personally, weather is nice in Chicago. It’s going to be warm this weekend. Might even risk planting some plants. So excited about that. Josh: Risk it. Do it. Let’s see, I believe we are at Tom now. Tom: Yeah, I guess I’ll go with the fact that we’re closing in on hiring someone for the chief of staff role, which I think will be fantastic and a way for Casey to extend her rising stock even further. And then personally, I think I’m just going to go with the fact that weather’s slowly getting warmer in New York, and so I’ve noticed that I think I’ve doubled my average step count and I’ve just been able to consume a lot more podcasts and audiobooks lately. So that’s been really nice. Josh: Very nice. Haney. Haney: First, been out the last two weeks so it’s good to be back in person. I feel like it’s a whole different company than it was. So much has happened since I last tuned in a few weeks ago. So that’s been exciting. And I guess, sort of personal and professional, I’m really excited about this potential hire. I think it’s going to be great and really just supercharge the content organization. So more on that to come. Josh: Awesome. Welcome back. Steph. Steph: Professionally, I want to shout out to just people, I guess, and the whole team here. I’ve had so many great, both personal and professional conversations lately, just really meaningful. Both through Zoom, through donut chats, and in person. Maxine actually came to Denver and we got dinner last night, which is amazing, and we’re going hiking this weekend. And personally, yeah, I guess that kind of ties into it, but also the weather in Colorado this week was absolutely beautiful and it’s going to get cold again this weekend. But yeah, it’s been fun to spend a lot of time outside. Josh: Awesome. Enjoy it. Rob. Rob: So last week, Casey, David Perlmutter, and I spent some quality time in Miami. And Casey, that was a wonderful dinner. And Josh, you’re going to get a memo from her about some new ideas, hopefully real soon. And this week, on Wednesday, the SF Levels contingent is meeting at [inaudible 01:07:32] and I get to put some faces to the avatars. Josh: Love to hear it. Enjoy. Let’s get a memo out of that one too. Azure. Azure: Hey guys, so I guess professionally excited to be getting the kit for the first time really soon and just to get to spend my time on this deep dive on how metabolic immune and hormone systems interact with each other and the actions we take is really fun. And personally, I guess I just booked flight to work from Bend, Oregon, where my family [inaudible 01:08:04] this month. So really excited for that. Josh: Oh, cool. Enjoy. Taylor. Taylor: Yeah, so professionally, super excited that we cleared that hurdle this week with the IRB and for everybody’s contributions. Jesse and Maz and JM continuing to push the ball and to Josh for writing that behemoth and getting that off the ground at the beginning. And then a lot of Azure’s work and Matt’s work, I think this Deconvolution Project is coming together really well too, so a lot of cool stuff coming in. Personally, excited to leave Seattle for a couple of weeks and we’re going to head down to the Bay area and get a little bit of sunshine, so that’ll be exciting for a little while. Josh: Enjoy that. Casey. Casey: So plus-one to Rob’s comment. Getting to meet Rob in person was definitely the highlight of my week and getting to see David Perlmutter and be on this really interesting panel about metabolic health. The topic of the conference was around the intersection between agriculture, health, and tech. And so it was really interesting to get a lot of people in that room who sometimes don’t think about those other areas and really get some good dialogue going. And Rob was incredible and asked some really hard hitting questions, as we would expect, and it definitely made the day really dynamic. In terms of personal, yes, as I mentioned in the chat, moving to Bend on Friday and so I’m going to be off Wednesday to Wednesday and driving up from Half Moon Bay to Oregon and unload my storage unit after 15 months. And I am so excited. So Azure, I’ll definitely look you up and hopefully we can meet in person Josh: And the [inaudible 01:10:04]. It’s exciting. Alan. Alan: Oh, personal side, we’ve got my kids going away to their grandparents this weekend so nothing can be better right now. And on the professional side, I’m just really enjoying working with Brett. We’re having some fun this week. So yeah, things are going great. Josh: Awesome. Mercy. Mercy: Professionally, it’s nice to have had a full week back at work. I was off last week, spending time with my family. And then personally, I’m back in Austin and finally really unboxing everything and putting furniture together, so it’s nice to get organized and situated. Josh: That’s my future. Let’s see, Chris. Chris: On the Levels standpoint, super excited for the Now page to start getting in the hands of our users and starting to build more of a framework of how we can release and get feedback. Whether it be through surveys and slowly rolling these features out. So I’m super excited for that, so thanks to David for all of his work on that one. Personally, and also kind of professionally, super excited in a couple weeks to go to Austin for Assemblage and to have our op support team meet up and to score some major Levels bingo points. So it’s all about gamification and leaderboards. So, yeah. Josh: This is all strategy. Chris is well ahead. Michelle. Michelle: Hi. So on the Levels front, I just wanted to say how incredible it has been to watch the growth of this company from when I started back in June of last year. It’s been pretty cool to see the growth, how many people have joined, the progress on everything. It’s just super impressive. And then on the personal front, I’m just fired up about having finished my coaching program and just getting started on the business front there. Thanks. Josh: Awesome, well congratulations. Brett. Brett: Yeah, so on professional, I’m having too much fun. I think I’m going to get in trouble at some point. Me and Alan are going super hard over here and it’s really fun. I get excited to work every day. Personally, I took my Levels out yesterday, I was in the sauna, and I think the sticker started shrinking and waxing the hair on the back of my arm and I got paranoid. It was also at the 14-day mark and I missed it. Almost immediately, I missed it. One thing I’m going to throw out, feedback, this is not the place to do it, but I’m going to, I’ve had a really hard time getting the goo off. Or the tape. And I stuck stuff. And I think we should do little packets of Goo Gone, because after an hour of trying different things, Goo Gone was the instantaneous thing that worked. Josh: I think Shawn found a product for that specific use case, which we should start including. Yeah, we’ll take an action offline for that. Cissy. Cissy: From the Levels front, I’m really excited about the work that the product team and Alan are doing on Next in Personalization. I think helping our members understand what to do with their data once they actually have the data will be a huge component of community and helping each other throughout their Levels journey. So I’m excited about that work and excited to meet a few folks in SF next week. Personally, checking out a few local things this week. Big cultural weekend, first Friday in Oakland, and then the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco. Josh: Awesome. Sounds like fun. JM. JM: On the work front, this has been a really great forum. A lot of interesting stuff. It’s great every week, but this one really stood out for me. On the personal front, but also sort of the work front, I will be around next week in its entirety, but then my daughter has two weeks off for break. We’re going to Italy and I’ll be largely off the grid, so I’ll be doing some preparation work for that. Be on lookout. Have a great weekend. Josh: It’s going to be an awesome trip. Andrew. Andrew: Professionally, for team growth is really exciting for me. New people starting and some candidates that we’re working to close right now, so that’s really exciting. I’m hoping to meet a couple of them next week when I go to San Francisco, so that’s awesome. And personally, I got a Concept II rower and I love it. Kind of working on cardio during not mountain biking season. Josh: Wow. Breaking from the Peloton pack. Andrew: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Josh: Not following trends, okay. Miz. Miz: On the professional side, just seeing the step changes happening across the company right in front of our eyes is interesting. And the slide design is a little thing, but we’ll forever remember those old slides. But happy to see everything growing and the team growing and adding new hires and all these things. On the personal side, looking forward to the SF meetup next week and then to Austin over the Assemblage week. And then have some ride scheduled, excited to see Mattis tomorrow and catch up. Josh: Nice. Yeah, I saw one of the early forums popped up on Inside the Company, or one of the emails, and I was just shocked at what we allowed to go out into the world. The presentation was not as polished. Tony. Tony: Yeah, not much on the personal side, but on the Level side it was definitely great seeing the engagement project on Matt’s side. Seeing all that data was perfect. Looking forward to seeing more of those in the coming weeks and months. I also want to give a shout-out to Maz for a few weeks ago, or maybe it was closer to a month ago, bringing up the idea of getting all of our podcasts onto the YouTube page. I thought it was just an awesome idea and it’s really proven recently to just increase our engagement on YouTube in a whole nother way. And it was just an awesome idea. So shout out to Maz. Josh: Awesome. Justin. Justin: Sorry, my dog’s attacking me. Mine’s personal and Levels, I booked a trip to Austin and it’s my first trip in three and a half years outside of the greater Winnipeg area. So I’ll be there for the Assemblage week. Ow. And that’s about it, bye. Josh: See you there. Mike D. Mike D.: Yeah, I guess shout out to Casey and Tom at the podcast and partnership work. There’s so many examples, but yeah, I’ll put this in the chat. If you look just at Drew’s podcast feed, three out of the last four episodes are all about metabolic health. They include Casey, Rob, and Kelly Lavec. And then Dr. Hyman had more recent episodes and also called out Casey’s episode with Drew in his weekly email, what’s it called? Mark’s Picks Today, which is pretty awesome. There’s so many examples, but it’s just so cool to see it come to life. Josh: Nice. Hao. Hao: So, very excited about the upcoming Everybody on PR code review session. Just kidding. Yeah, I’m super excited about the data privacy work Xinhu and Helena did, for make sure everything is in control. So it’s really great. And personally, probably heading to the slope for the last time of the season and hopefully I enjoy some sticky powders from last week. Josh: Wow. Can’t believe the season’s winding down. It’s happening fast. Ben. Ben: Levels front, very, very stoked to have Ryley here. Very grateful to get to work with him again. We’ve had a lot of fun jamming in the past and just look forward to everything ahead. Personal front, Justin and I are going for dinner tomorrow, so Levels IRL, and it’s the first time we’ll have seen each other since September when [inaudible 01:18:20] and Sam and Justin and I all hung out. So very stoked on that. And that is it. Josh: Awesome. Sunny. Sunny: On Levels front, really excited about Helena’s work. If you haven’t checked out that video, please do. I wonder why I didn’t know data science wasn’t an option when I was in college. I was unaware of it. So Helena, major job jealousy here. And on a personal front, going to try one more, just like Hao, another round of catching some powder. We went to Snow Basin for the first time last weekend and it was just a bluebird day. And beautiful reminder, we have a downstairs apartment that has a fully functional kitchen and I am 45 minutes from Park City, and even shorter to Snow Basin. So probably down for the season, but get your plans out for next season. Josh: Love it, love it. Got a distributed network here that we can take advantage of. Thank you. All right, for me, professionally, I think that there’s just a ton of exciting stuff happening on the team. And yeah, the data depth that we went into on this forum, I think the forum is just getting secretly better and better and I’m really enjoying it. Obviously a function of that team growth, so it’s really cool. And personally, I’ve been consistent with workouts this week. I am so sore, I can barely stand here right now, so I’m going to do a foam roller session immediately after this and hopefully that’ll be the highlight of my day. Jeremy. Oh sorry, Jeremy and Maz seem to have jumped. Brittney, I feel like you closed us out last week. I think we might not have mixed these up. Brittney: I think the last two weeks, so I’m happy to be here. Josh: We got to randomize. Brittney: Yeah. On the Level side, really excited about team growth, so welcome Michelle and Ryley. And also very, very excited about Austin meetup over Assemblage week. Just booked my flight last night and really excited to meet some of the team, both on support and outside of support as well. And on the personal side, I wasn’t feeling too hot earlier this week, I was kind of down for the count, and I’m just personally excited to start feeling back to almost 100% here. So that’s a win for me. Thanks. Josh: Awesome. We’ll get this list updated. All right, well thanks everybody. This is an awesome week, tons packed into this forum. I’m going to probably re-watch this at some point and, yeah, thanks all for the awesome work. Enjoy your weekends and we do have a cafe starting in about three minutes. See you.